Why is it so important for Australia to produce wool for people 
        outside of the country ? What do you think would happen if 
        we only worried about ourselves?

                          The Importance of Wool Exports to Australia
Did you know that Australia is the world's leading producer and exporter of fine wool? Well, we didn't until we started doing our research!  We also found out that sheep are not native to Australia. Therefore, to understand why we are such a leading force in the Wool Industry we need to first see how all of this came about.
Australia produces approximately one quarter of the global wool production. This would not have been possible without the introduction of sheep in 1788 with The First Fleet. As you would have seen in the powepoint Wool has been had a major impact on our economy since  the early 1800's.

Wool was first sent overseas in 1813. In 1820 Australia exported approximately 45,000 tonnes of wool to England. This was the beginning of our export trade.

Today Australian wool is sold worldwide but most of our wool is bought by China.
Australian wool is of a very high quality and can be used for clothing, furniture and textiles.

Australian wool is exported as a raw product because it is too expensive to process it in Australia. Therefore wool is exported to many different countries who then process the wool. Once processed it is then made into a vast range of products that we then buy back. The reason why we buy back from countries like China is because the processing / labour costs  are much cheaper. Through the export trade of wool we continue to have positve relationships with our neighbours.

The prices paid for wool depend on a number of factors. The most important factors include  the quality of the wool, how much wool is available and how many buyers their are.

Therefore it is important not just to our farmers but also, the whole of Australia to support the export of wool. Wool not only provides an income for people working on farms but also accountants, teachers, fashion designers, graphic designers, advertising executives university lecturers, accountants , bank managers, research and development to name a few.


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